Saturday, August 28, 2010

Free the Light

But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.
Hebrews 3:13

To inform those who follow the blog:
Yes! I am finally at Gordon College, already getting my butt kicked by some classes (and loving it, endlessly!)
Yes! I did finish my missionary term (which you will hear about shortly)
And Yes! Family in Christ and/or myself will pray for you if you send us your prayer requests.

So recently...

God has incredible insight (obviously, right?). However, more often than not, we tend to overlook the many blessings, encouragement, and teachings that God intentionally plans in our lives. In order to be intentional followers and lovers of Christ, we must be intentional in listening to Him.

Two of my apartmentmates and I went out for coffee (yay house bonding!). What we didn't expect is that God was going to give us a huge opportunity to love on someone--outside of our apartment. Megan, being the socialite that she is, "made a friend" while in line to get a coffee. This woman slowly became part of our apartment get-together. Upon the end of our conversation she told us that the three of us (Meg, Marc, and I) could truly make a difference in this world. Whether she was astounded by the fact that Meg and I keep up with the news, Marc has a gentle, ever-so-sweet heart, we were all charismatic and welcoming, or the fact that the Spirit dwells in all three of us, she was quite impressed with our conversation. Meg then responded that this woman could also do great things. She then opened up to us about her shattered self image and self worth. Little did we know, God placed a truly beautiful person in our lives in order for Him to speak to her through us. Simply by engaging in conversation with a "random" young woman, she was able to feel welcomed and appreciated for the first time, in what seemed like a long time.
Sometimes Christ isn't as bold with whom He wants us to encourage. It isn't an everyday occurrence for most people to have someone open up their hearts with another person. But why is that? Do we all not desire to be authentic? If we truly tune into the Spirit, openly and lovingly become more like Him, nothing would be able to stop us from opening up our hearts as Christ does.
How is Christ calling you to encourage someone today? How would Satan be able to get in and destroy if encouragement isn't one of our priorities in loving someone?

encourage one another daily.