Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Vision of You

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
-2 Corinthians 13:14

Understanding the Trinity can be a complex process.
My family's priest, Father Jack, explained the Trinity extremely well through using the excellent visual given to us by St. Augustine, while adjusting it ever-so slightly:

(>>the original
And when St. Augustin beheld him he marvelled, and demanded him what he did. And he answered and said: "I will lade out and bring all this water of the sea into this pit."

"What?" said he, "it is impossible, how may it be done, sith the sea is so great and large, and thy pit and spoon so little?"

"Yes, forsooth," said he, "I shall lightlier and sooner draw all the water of the sea and bring it into this pit than thou shalt bring the mystery of the Trinity and His Divinity into thy little understanding as to the regard thereof; for the Mystery of the Trinity is greater and larger to the comparison of thy wit and brain than is this great sea unto this little pit."

There was a little boy playing in the sand by the sea. The boy made a pit in the sand and would collect water from the sea to place in the pit. Once there was enough water pressure, the water would trickle down as a stream back to the ocean.

God is like water. He can be the ocean (Father), the water in the pit (Jesus), and the water flowing down the stream (Holy Spirit) simultaneously. Yet, He is still water--the properties still staying appropriate to the bonding of many water molecules. He is God, and He is everywhere, all at once.

Just as Augustine mentioned, our understanding of the Trinity is above our understanding. However, through God's own creation He is able to reveal even more of His divinity.

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